Mama's Cup of Ambition

Conquering Corporate Confinement and Stepping into Entrepreneurship with Megan Tobler

Rachel Mae | Megan Tobler Season 2 Episode 70

Have you ever been trapped in the comforting arms of a corporate job, just dreaming about unleashing your full potential? Meet Megan Tobler, founder of the Self Start Her podcast and a corporate escapee. She unfolds her inspiring journey from the secure confines of the corporate world to the exhilarating realm of entrepreneurship, sharing how she's transforming her ambitions into actions and her fantasies into reality.

As she prepares for the birth of her first child, Megan shares how this life-changing experience has further inspired her to step into her dreams.

We chat about leaning into an energy of collaboration over competition and Megan shares how LinkedIn has become a powerful tool for venturing into the unknown. She also provides a sneak-peek into her ambitions for the Self Start Her Podcast and her mission to create a vibrant space where women can connect, learn, and grow together.

No matter where you are on your journey,  this empowering conversation about entrepreneurship, motherhood, and the pursuit of BIG dreams is sure to leave you feeling hopeful and inspired.

Connect With Today's Guest:
Megan's Website
Find Megan on LinkedIn
Find Megan on Instagram
Listen to Rachel's Interview on Self Start Her

Next Week on Mama's Cup of Ambition...
Tune in for a fun and empowering Momversation with Ashley Blackington, the founder of Dovetail Designs as we chat about her growing business and forthcoming podcast (Titled And/Both). We'll deep dive into all of the regular momversation questions and in the process learn so much about this inspiring mama's mission to help mom's everywhere simplify and organize all of the moving pieces of their lives.

Have you been dreaming of starting a podcast but have no idea where to start?  Ditch your podcasting paralysis with my FREE podcast checklist for aspiring mama podcasters.  

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connect with the Show (@mamascupofambition)
connect with Rachel Mae (@rachelmaemusic)

May your dreams be ambitious and may your coffee be strong! xoxo -Rachel Mae

Rachel Mae:

Hey, I'm Rachel Mae, Country Singer, Songwriter and host of Mamas Cup of Ambition, the podcast for ambitious mamas with big dreams and little kids. Or maybe your kids aren't so little anymore, but your dreams are still just as big as ever. Wherever you find yourself in your motherhood journey, if you've got ambitious goals that you're longing to achieve and you're looking to spark inspiration, cultivate motivation and develop community with like-minded mamas, you're in the right place. As a new mama myself, I created this show as a place for honest and empowering conversations about motherhood, entrepreneurship and dream chasing. So grab a notebook, top off that cup of coffee and let's turn our goals into action plans and our dreams into reality together.

Rachel Mae:

Now let's jump into today's episode. Hello, hello and welcome to Mamas Cup of Ambition, the show where you will often hear children screaming somewhere in the background. At rest assured, they're not left unattended. My husband is downstairs with the kiddos, who are just slowly losing their chill. But anyway, I'm so excited that you're here with me today because I have got a guest interview.

Rachel Mae:

Guest interviews are just my favorite. I love the solo episodes. I love showing up here and sharing my own story, but really the heart of Mamas Cup of Ambition is when I get to shine a spotlight on the stories of the Mamas in our community. So I'm super excited because today's guest is a mama to be. Her name is Megan Tobler and she hosts the Self Start Her podcast. And Megan and I were actually connected through a mutual friend and I just have to tell you you know how, when you just come into somebody's world and you just know that you will vibe and align on such a natural level. That's Megan. I just knew from the moment I clicked onto her website and went to her podcast and started basically cyberstalking her that she was my kind of people. I love her heart and the mission that she is serving with her podcast. And this interview was so much fun and Megan really gave us a little glimpse into how she got to where she is now and how her podcast came to be.

Rachel Mae:

So I'm not going to blab on and on here and try to tell you Megan's story right now in this intro, because she can tell it so much more eloquently than I can. But make yourself comfortable and enjoy my conversation with Megan Tobler. Okay, Megan, I am so excited that we're doing this. I want to say right at the top thank you, Kim, for introducing us, because I have been just totally smitten with you and feel so blessed to be in your world and I'm not sure how we hadn't found each other sooner. But I really just want to start this episode out with a shout out to Kim for crossing our paths, because I'm such a fan girl already and I'm so excited that you're here. So I would love for you to just get us started with a little introduction to who you are and what you do Awesome.

Megan Tobler:

Well, thank you so much, Rachel Mae, and I have to say I have to second that shout out to Kim. Kim is the most incredible woman and she is such a connector bringing two women together that are in similar spaces. So huge shout out to Kim. But as far as I'm concerned, my name is Megan Tobler. I am the founder of Self-Starter. So a little story on me. I won't share everything in spell that's being read away, but I am an ex-corporate sales professional turn entrepreneur. I always had dreams for more and I knew that the more wasn't going to happen within the corporate world. So lots of things have really brought me to where I am today and I'm sure we'll definitely dive into where that is today. Awesome.

Rachel Mae:

So let's talk a little bit about that corporate past. I want to circle back and talk all about your podcast as well, but if you can just kind of like take us back in time and tell us a little bit about that pivot for you from corporate world into your own entrepreneurial journey and what that looks like for you and how you decided to make that move?

Megan Tobler:

Oh goodness, this is such a loaded question because I mean, I've always had dreams for more. Like I said, I've always wanted more in my life, but I was always kind of held back with the big picture, not knowing where to start really thinking. I had to have everything figured out and really the perfectionism was holding me back. So I decided to just hop into the corporate world, just like everyone does, because of the safety and the security and the benefits and the 401k, all of that stuff. That sounds really exciting and sure for some people it is, but for me I found that it was really holding me back from truly living up to my full potential and really being fulfilled in my day to day. And I'm on this podcast. Obviously it's Mama's Cup of Ambition. I think it's important to say that I'm a soon to be Mama. So that's the huge part of my story. I'm currently six and a half months pregnant, as we're hitting record here.

Megan Tobler:

But I actually started my entrepreneurial journey before I even found out that I was pregnant. But I always knew that I wanted a family one day. And my immediate journey, while I mentioned I was in sales as a sales professional. Before that, I was in the entertainment industry, working on production sets, and the theme between both the entertainment world as well as my sales professional journey is that I started to look at the women at the top and I started to look at what their lives looked like, and I realized that they didn't really have the life that I wanted to live. I wanted to be able to raise my children, to be able to be home with them, but also to financially bring in and contribute to the family as well, and I just didn't know how I would be able to do that, working in the corporate world and also juggling full time mommyhood.

Megan Tobler:

So, long story short, I started in October well, actually, let's rewind a little bit in June of 2022,. I realized that I had enough and that I wanted to take that first step and I wasn't going to let that big picture hold me back anymore. So I started thinking what is it that I can do right away that I know that I will enjoy, that I know that I will be consistent with in something that I will learn along the way and that can continue to develop? And, coming from a sales background, I knew that I loved communicating with people. I loved hearing their stories, so I thought why not start a podcast where I'm interviewing other women who are already doing the dang thing? So long story short, that's kind of how I got started, and everything has really built from there.

Rachel Mae:

So great. I love that. I feel like that's a very common thread in a lot of the folks that I talk to is just there comes this point where you realize you're sort of reevaluating what you want, moving forward and having to make those choices. And I think something that comes up a lot for people in my audience is a feeling of resistance. So I'm always curious if that's something that you encountered. So when you came to that sort of fork in the road and you knew you were longing for something more and something different and you decided that you were going to start walking a different road, was it just like, ok, I'm all in, I'm going for this and I just whatever will be will be, or did you sort of buck up against that sense of resistance and sort of second guessing yourself?

Megan Tobler:

as well. Well, I definitely think there's always that sense of resistance. I think that a lot of us have faced imposter syndrome at one point in time and I just really made the decision that I wasn't going to let it hold me back, because I knew the bigger picture was more important than the fear of potential rejection, humiliation, because all of that's in my head and I had to keep telling myself that I'm a harshest critic, I'm a super, super small point in someone's day and people aren't really aren't thinking twice about it. So I was just going to start messy. I didn't have it all figured out. I started really small. I started with my immediate circle of people that I knew and I really made sure that I was setting myself up for success right away and filling myself with a lot of positive reinforcement from my own self. I was really making sure that I was. I was telling myself really inspiring things to be able to keep me going when the times were a little uncertain.

Rachel Mae:

Yeah, I think that's so important because some of my favorite folks that I follow are the ones that sort of let you in on the journey and that show up even when things aren't perfect.

Rachel Mae:

Right, I think it gives us all permission to get started where we are when you see other folks saying you know what, it doesn't have to be perfect, and I'm allowed to be a beginner at this, I'm allowed to have a starting point, like I think we forget sometimes that everyone has a starting point and you may see somebody at the top of their game and be comparing yourself to like their years and years and years of putting in the work and feeling like you're not entitled or allowed to have that starting point.

Rachel Mae:

So I love that you can have some strategies in place to just surround yourself with the energy and with the inspiration that you needed to just start taking action, because I feel like all of that clarity and getting you to where you are right now, like none of that can happen unless you're willing to be brave enough to take that first step and take little action in the direction of your dreams. And so I love hearing how people push past that resistance and just sort of get into action, even if it's the smallest baby step. So you say you were like finding ways to keep yourself sort of inspired and on track. Did you have like mantras or something that you were saying to yourself, or was it just sort of the community that you surrounded yourself with? What did that look like in like the day to day it?

Megan Tobler:

honestly came down to preparation and surrounding myself with like-minded, positive people, and I have to take a step back too, because you had mentioned it's about all taking that first step. Really, that's what self-starter is all about. It's really being okay to start messy, realizing that you don't have it all figured out, and a huge part of my journey is I'm sharing with everyone that I don't have it all figured out. You're alone for the ride with me as I'm figuring it out and I'm sharing all my learnings along the way because I think that to your point, like it's more relatable. There are a ton of people that I follow that are multi seven figure earners and I respect them and I look up to them and I'm learning from them every day. But sometimes you need that person that is maybe just one step ahead of you to be able to break it down a little bit into smaller chunks, to be like, okay, she did this, I can do it, you know yeah, I love that.

Rachel Mae:

Well, let's talk a little bit about your podcast. So for everybody listening, it's self start her at the end, which I love. That, obviously, and one of the reasons that, like I said at the top of this episode, that I'm so enamored with you is because I think we have a very similar heart and a very similar passion for what we're doing, and I'd love for you to just tell us a little bit about I mean, we've kind of touched on how you got to this point, but talk to us a little bit more about, like, why podcasting for you? What was it that was pulling you in that direction?

Megan Tobler:

Yeah, self starter is really all about highlighting female entrepreneurs, people that have left corporate, like I have, who have taken the leap to be able to live the life that they had always dreamt about. So I started self starter because I was curious. I wanted to learn from these women what worked for you, what didn't work like, share your journey. And I figured you know what? If I'm learning all this, why not share it with others? Because I, in conversations with so many other women, I've found that a lot of people have dreams for more, yet they don't know where to start. And to be able to have a resource like this, I felt like was invaluable, something that we needed, and if I was going to invest all the time in order to be able to accumulate this knowledge, then why not share it in the process?

Megan Tobler:

So, since I started, I told you that I started recording in June of last year. I first went live in October of 2022. As we're hitting record right now, it's June of 2023, crazy how fast time flies. But now we've released 39 episodes and we currently have guests booked out through the middle of January of 2024. So it's just been this most incredible journey of being able to highlight women entrepreneurs share what's worked for them again like what hasn't worked, but also to help highlight their businesses, to be able to be their biggest cheerleader and support as they're really navigating this entrepreneurial journey themselves so great.

Rachel Mae:

Have there been any like common themes that you've noticed talking to all of these ambitious and driven women? Has there been anything that's been like really obvious to you, that is sort of a through line in the folks that you talked to?

Megan Tobler:

I think the biggest thing is that we all struggle with the same things. I think that it's that imposter syndrome at first thinking that you, why would someone listen to me, why would someone want what I have to offer, but then making that decision. I think that's the biggest thing is that these women made a decision to get started. Even though they made this decision, they still had the imposter syndrome, but they worked through it and by working through it it has been able to really transform their lives. So I think that's like the biggest first step is that they made the decision to work through all of these specific feelings. But then, outside of that, another huge theme is that a lot of these women have embraced the feminine energy.

Megan Tobler:

So there's been this huge theme between masculine energy and feminine energy and in the corporate space, a lot of what we experience in corporate is very masculine. It's very do, do, do and task oriented and results and achievement oriented. And while that's still important with the feminine side of things, it's really listening to that intuition, because I mean, hey, mom is out there. There's nothing more strong than mom's intuition and I think as women we have this superpower and it's really being able to really listen to that and combine that intuition with that masculine energy so we're not just all in that masculine. The other thing is really joining a community, finding your people, because entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It's a constant roller coaster and you need to surround yourself with people that are going to be your biggest cheerleaders, to help you and to inspire you when the times are tough and to really help promote you. It's there, your business best friends.

Rachel Mae:

Yeah, I love that I'm. We're big fans of community around here and I really do believe we go further together, especially as women. I think there's a lot of dismantling that we're doing. For a long time We've sort of been conditioned to feel like we need to be pitted against each other, and that just doesn't serve any of us. There's enough room for all of us and there is enough resource for all of us, and actually we're so much more powerful when we join forces and lock arms and help one another get where we want to go.

Rachel Mae:

And I feel like you're probably starting to see this as well, as you're into your motherhood journey yourself now. But I feel like motherhood is a real catalyst for that as well. It's like if ever you had a spirit of like, I can just like bootstrap and do this all myself. Motherhood will just break that right open for you, because you have to get comfortable with asking for help in motherhood. Or it's a real, real lonely journey, and I think that business and entrepreneurship is very similar in that way. It's like if we can just learn to ask for help not just help, but to ask for support and community it just makes the experience so much more enjoyable. So I love that you're giving a voice to other women in the space and that not only you're learning through the process, but you're giving the opportunity for so many other folks to tune in and learn alongside you and to learn from all of this collective wisdom. I just think that's such a cool thing.

Megan Tobler:

Thank you, and I'm a firm believer that there's plenty of wealth and knowledge to go around for everyone. It's very much the believer of collaboration is greater than competition, because we technically might be doing something in similar industries, but it's okay. There's plenty of room for all of us and I think that if we're stuck in the competition side of things, it's going to limit you. Women supporting women is my jam and we need more of that and clearly it's yours as well.

Rachel Mae:

Yes, so great. Well, how are you preparing or how are you feeling about moving into this new phase of your career and motherhood and how those are going to intersect? Have you had all of the big feelings about it, or are you just kind of like rolling with it as it comes? Or where are you in that journey? Oh gosh to be honest with you.

Megan Tobler:

I don't have it all figured out, but I'm trying to prepare for the unknown. Yeah, obviously I've never walked into motherhood before I didn't mention this but a huge catalyst for why I decided to go all in on self-starter was I went through a layoff in March of this year and I realized during this time that it is very difficult to get a job while you are currently pregnant and expecting and needing maternity leave. So I decided you know what, why not take control of my own destiny? And just, I felt like this was a sign to go all in on what I needed to do, and that was like the best thing that could have happened to me, because it allowed me to really put all of my attention direction and to prepare for the unknown. And so you asked, like, how am I preparing for this?

Megan Tobler:

A huge part of my I don't want to say like strategy, but a huge part of my resources has been utilizing LinkedIn, because a lot of my the women that are on my podcast came from the corporate world. Yeah, so being able to have a voice on LinkedIn has really helped me to get a lot of traction and get people interested in what kind of self-starter was all about. So now it's really just making sure that I have all this content recorded before my little guys comes in September, to really make sure that I can just have an episode continue to release every single week throughout the end of the year, because I don't know what my life is going to look like, and that's okay, I'll figure it out. And I think that, to kind of quote Marie Forleo here, everything is figure outable Totally.

Rachel Mae:

Maybe this is just the circles that I'm in, but I feel like you don't hear as much about LinkedIn, so I think it's really cool to hear that that's been something that's been so supportive and powerful and helping you to get these amazing guests on, to help get your message out into the world and to connect with all of these powerful women. So that's really cool.

Megan Tobler:

Yeah, it's been a really great and interesting platform to leverage. And I didn't start really leveraging it until I got laid off from my corporate job, because my message is all about empowering women to start something of their own, which was very conflicting from my corporate job. My corporate job is all about empowering people to elevate their skill sets within corporate. So once I was able to get rid of that, I was able to go all in and highlighting kind of my strengths. I have a little bit of a more difficult time putting visuals to the words on Instagram and Facebook. Okay, so LinkedIn has been really interesting because it has allowed me to write up just content without having to think about the visual that's tied to it. So I can start with LinkedIn and then not have to worry about the visual and then repurpose it for my other social channels and then I can think about what complements that piece of content visually afterwards. So it's just kind of a figured out, a way that it works with my brain.

Rachel Mae:

Yeah, that's great. Has there been like a moment in your podcasting experience so far that has felt really rewarding or where you just sort of felt like your mind was blown and you had that. I can't believe I'm doing this moment. I'm always curious about that.

Megan Tobler:

Yes, and it was one of those moments where it really told me that I was doing the right thing.

Megan Tobler:

And it was with a recent podcast guest and we hopped on to hit record and I could feel that her energy just was a little bit down. Yeah, and we were just having a conversation and I said you know what? She told me a little bit about her day. She was tired, and I said you know what, if we need to reschedule this so that way you are in a more mentally clear place and you feel like you're really ready to be able to properly transfer your story, I'm happy to do that. And she decided to keep going and power through it and by the end of it she actually ended up thanking me. I watched throughout that entire interview her energy change and she was just lighting up and she went from kind of sinking in her chair to sitting up confidently with her shoulders back and she was just this holy woman. And at the end she thanked me and she said thank you for making me feel seen and that moment to me was everything.

Rachel Mae:

I live for those kinds of moments because it's like you never know what you're gonna walk into. And we've all had those days right when it's like maybe your energy isn't at a 10, but you kind of power through and you do what you need to do. But there's something about getting in proximity and getting that energetic boost from someone else. And it's like that comes back to why I think it's so powerful in that like sort of cross pollination and supporting each other and helping one another to get to where we want to go, because sometimes we need to borrow that little booster, that energy, from someone else to get back into alignment with where we really want to be. So that's so magical.

Rachel Mae:

And I also love that you say you were willing to reschedule, like I think that's just very telling of you as a person as well, to be able to read someone else's energy, even just virtually. I love that you were willing to see the person and put the person first and, even though that didn't ultimately end up being what y'all decided to do, I think that's just such a great way to move through life and I think that part of your personality and that part of your energy comes through very authentically in everything that you do, at least from what I've consumed so far. So I am smitten with you. Like I said, the feelings reach.

Megan Tobler:

Rachel May.

Rachel Mae:

Awesome. Okay, so we've talked a little bit about your podcast and we've talked a little bit about you getting laid off and where you came from. So I'd love to kind of know what are your big goals or ambitions for this thing that you're creating into the future?

Megan Tobler:

That is like the age old question and that I've actually gone back and forth with, because, going into the journey of motherhood, I'm really trying to not exchange time for money. I'm recognizing that I want to be present for my future family but, like I mentioned, I also want to be able to financially contribute. So when I started this journey actually before I even knew I was pregnant, I should say so in January I hired a business coach and I told this business coach that I wanted to be at a corporate in six months. Well, jokes on me, because I got what I wanted not on my timeline, but be careful what you ask for, because the universe is listening and working. Through this business coach, I've had a lot of revelations.

Megan Tobler:

At first I was thinking very short term, thinking that I just needed to make it a buck really quick, but ultimately I've put that aside. I'm not as focused on the immediate financial gains rather than my long term future. So when I say that, at first I was thinking I would do some coaching and sure I can do some coaching here and there, but that's not going to be my main focus for a self-starter. When I think of self-starter, it goes back to what we were saying. It goes back to community. It goes back to women, supporting women, and I want to be able to create a place where women can come and confidently show up as themselves, connect with other women and really grow and learn from each other. So right now we're building out a community.

Megan Tobler:

I'm also building out a platform where I'm going to be able to have a little member directory where I'm able to recommend folks like yourself for people to be able to listen to and work with.

Megan Tobler:

So, again, just really highlighting the women entrepreneurs that are in my life, because I've had such the pleasure of being able to surround myself with so many women over the last year. And then I'm also building out a course. So I mean, obviously I mentioned I'm being very vulnerable and sharing my story with my followers and subscribers right now of what I'm going through. So I'm packaging up all these learnings into a course so that way they can be able to take the knowledge that I've acquired and learned from all of these female entrepreneurs and package it into one source. So lots of great things coming, but kind of going back to what self-start is all about it's taking that step, one step at a time and recognizing that I don't have to have it all figured out right this second, and it's going to evolve. It's just being able to make that one little step every single day forward.

Rachel Mae:

Well, that all sounds really exciting and I feel like there's so much need and desire for communities like what you're describing, especially as entrepreneurs. I feel like sometimes maybe your immediate group of friends can't always understand exactly what it is that you're trying to create in the world, and it can feel kind of isolating because you feel like you don't have anyone you can understand, talk to or you have something exciting that you want to celebrate. It may not track or really translate to some of your friends, and that's okay, but I think there's real power of not only being able to celebrate but also just be like hey, I'm hitting this dip and I'm having a hard time. So I think it's really a powerful thing when we can get connected with like minded folks and and move towards goals together, and so I love that you're incorporating that element of community, because we all need that in this journey. So it's so cool that you're creating an opportunity for that very thing.

Megan Tobler:

Yeah, throughout this whole experience, I really realized that I'm kind of like the cheerleader, I'm your business BFF, that I'm going to be supporting you, no matter if we met each other for five minutes on the street or maybe grabbing a coffee at Starbucks or whether we've been lifelong friends. Like I want you to succeed, probably even more than you want yourself to succeed. So I think that that stuff just lights me up, and being able to surround yourself with people that are like minded is really everything because, like you said, I have some wonderful people in my life but they don't always understand, kind of the journey that you're going through. So, being able to have a community like the one that you've created and the one that I'm creating, to be able to connect with these like minded women, they get what you're going through and they become your biggest cheerleaders as well.

Rachel Mae:

Yeah, it's contagious it really is when we can connect with each other, and sometimes even the cheerleader needs the cheerleader right. So it's great that you're going to create, like at that, directory as well, so that people can find each other and lift each other up. And I'm really excited for all that you are going to do for the mamas and ambitious women listening right now and there's something that is calling them and they want to move towards it, but maybe fear is holding them back. What would you say to that person to just sort of get them into action? Do you have any advice? Honestly?

Megan Tobler:

the best piece of advice I could say is just get started with something, because just because you're getting started with one thing today doesn't mean that that has to be your end something it can evolve and change, but sometimes just taking that action is what you need in order to get the ball rolling.

Rachel Mae:

So true, we have a lot of very multi-passionate women in my community, so I think that's going to resonate deeply. So I always like to wind down my interviews with guests with the same set of three questions, and I really am excited to ask you these three questions as well. Are you ready for them? I am ready, let's do it. Okay. So the first one is in four words or less what's your best piece of advice?

Megan Tobler:

Oh, I'm going to have to piggyback on just what I said before. It's just get started.

Rachel Mae:

Yes, okay, If there is a must-have resource, this could be like a podcast or a book or a community that you would recommend to the folks listening what would that be?

Megan Tobler:

I would say that Jenna Kutcher is one of the ones that I love to follow, and I'm sure that a ton of your listeners already follow to her. You're not in your head yet, because Jenna is just the most genuine, authentic human and I love that. She's been able to be a powerhouse example of the fact that you can have it all. So not only does she have a podcast that's how I found out about her but she has tons of great courses for you to figure out how to get started on your Pinterest strategy or your course development, even just your email marketing, things like that. But then she also just came out with a book how Are you Really? And I think that, as Mama's, is a really great reminder to be able to really get in tune with yourself and really ask yourself how am I really? She's probably one of my favorites out there.

Megan Tobler:

I already mentioned Marie Forleo. She has a book Everything is Figureoutable and that's kind of my mantra in life and it's kind of the running joke and I wouldn't say a joke. But anytime that I am starting to question things at home and talking to my husband thinking, okay, how am I going to do this? And he goes wait, Megan isn't everything figureoutable Nice, so he always just throws that back at me. So a nice little reminder in our house hold over here.

Megan Tobler:

And then Kathy Heller is another one that I've really enjoyed as well. She is kind of the little kick in the derriere that I needed to start my podcasting journey. I was listening to her podcast religiously and actually invested in her podcasting course, and it's been able to connect me with so many incredible women like Kim and yourself. So even we had talked about this earlier, but these individuals obviously are leaps and downs further than I am in their entrepreneurial business, but by being a part of their communities I've been able to connect with so many incredible women and then just being able to follow along their journeys where they're a little bit closer to where I am. So, long story short, all the women.

Rachel Mae:

Yes, so good. Oh my gosh, okay. So what fills your cup? Both literally, like what's your drink of choice, and then figuratively, like how do you fill your cup and care for yourself? Oh goodness.

Megan Tobler:

Well, literally depends on the time of day, as well as whether or not I am expecting a child. So I am going to be a little bit of an interesting one here. You probably don't get this very much on your podcast, but I actually don't drink coffee, so I naturally just wake up perky and awake every single morning. So I start my day with a glass of hot water and lemon, and I swear that is the secret to like not getting sick, and maybe call me woo-woo, but it's worked. So, knock on wood, I don't know.

Megan Tobler:

I'm not that crazy of a drinker, but as far as when I'm not pregnant, I love a good glass of red wine, preferably a cab. So, figuratively, there's so many things. I recognize that I need sunshine in my life. So anytime that I'm feeling a little bit depleted energy wise, it's important for me to be able to get outside, soak up the sunshine, go for a walk and also be by the water. There's something so peaceful and energizing about that whole experience. But then, as far as kind of our conversation today, being able to surround myself with stimulating conversation with like-minded people that are supporting each other, that really fills my cup. I could be kind of the poorest person on the planet and have the most stimulating conversation, and my cup would be overflowing. It's the best.

Rachel Mae:

So good.

Rachel Mae:

Well, that comes through, and I think that's why podcasting is such a great medium too right, because it's like what a time to be alive that this is our reality and we're able to be in different states, different time zones, in some cases, different parts of the world on occasion, and we can still get together and support and encourage each other.

Rachel Mae:

Like what's not to love about that? I'm so happy that podcasts exist for that reason, because I get to connect with people like you and then us getting to connect. Now I get to share this with all of the other mamas and the women in my community and it just spreads like wildfire. So sometimes you just cross paths with somebody and you just know, like I can just tell, that you are a good soul and I want to be in your company. So I'm so thankful that you're here today and that you were willing to come and share your story with me and with my audience, and I'm so excited to see all of the things that you're going to continue to do in the world, and I would love it if you would just let my audience know where they can find you or they can connect with you.

Megan Tobler:

Gosh, you're just making a girl blush over here. Thank you so much for the kind words, but I have to just echo everything that you've said. I'm a complete fangirl over you over here as well. So I do just really love the podcasting medium and just technology in general because, like you said, it's been able to connect two people from different states together today and it's just an absolutely incredible and rewarding experience For any of you that want to follow along the journey and get a little taste of what I'm going through.

Megan Tobler:

You can find me. I think the majority of your community is probably going to be on Instagram, so you're going to find me at self start her. So it's S-E-L-F-S-T-A-R-T. Dot H-E-R. And then I'm also on LinkedIn, as I mentioned. That's a big one for me. My name is Megan Tobler I'm sure that everything will be in the show notes for you as well and then my podcast is really kind of the bread and butter of where it's all at. If you want some inspiration for, and to be able to hear those some stories of someone absolutely incredible women, just go to the self starter podcast.

Rachel Mae:

Amazing. And, yes, you're so right. I will link to everything and make it super easy to access all of this, and you're inspiring me to want to go and like explore LinkedIn. I never thought I would utter those words because it just like never crosses my radar, but I feel like I need to go and like tinker around and at least find you on there. We'll definitely connect.

Megan Tobler:

I've got you.

Rachel Mae:

Oh my gosh. Well, this has been incredible. I'm so excited to continue to just follow along with your journey and I'm so grateful that you came here. I'm really excited to follow along with your motherhood journey as well, and you know I'm going to have to have you back to talk about things once you've got baby in tow. Count me in, I would be honored, awesome. Well, thank you so much, megan. Thank you, rachel May. It was a pleasure, man.

Rachel Mae:

That was such a fun conversation. I just love Megan's heart for community and collaboration and I feel like she really does just embody those two things so authentically and they just shine through her in the most beautiful way, like it's very obvious that she is, in fact, cheering for everyone on her path to succeed, and that truly is just a contagious, amazing quality, and I just find it to be so captivating and magnetic, and I think it's so inspiring when folks are willing to learn out in the open and to bring others along for the process so that we can all learn and grow and benefit from each other's wisdom and experience, and I feel like that's exactly what Megan is doing, both with her podcast and with the business that she's growing. And one thing that I really appreciated was how she mentioned the power of embracing and leaning into our feminine energy in entrepreneurship. Like, I feel like that was a great reminder that we're all allowed to embody all of the parts of ourselves along this journey. That really struck a chord with me, so I'd love to know what resonated with you and if you wanna continue the conversation.

Rachel Mae:

You can find me over on Instagram by searching Mama's Cup of Ambition, and if we haven't already connected there, I'd love the chance to get acquainted, as always. I just wanna take a moment to say how grateful I am that you tuned in today. It's such a privilege to share these conversations with you and I appreciate so much that you're here. So thank you, thank you, thank you. That's it for today's episode, but until next time, may your dreams be ambitious, may your coffee be strong, and may we all be surrounded by people who see us and cheer us on as we chase our biggest dreams. I'll talk to you soon. Stay happy and Carefully.

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