Mama's Cup of Ambition

What Does Freedom Mean to You? A Park Bench Conversation

Rachel Mae Season 2 Episode 62

Join me as we take a pause from our usual programming for an open-hearted, off the cuff chat  from the park. Let's take a mid-year pulse check to reflect on the journey so far and articulate our hopes for the months ahead.

Mentioned In This Episode:
The Shine Wild Project
Lavalier Lapel Microphone 

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connect with Rachel Mae (@rachelmaemusic)

May your dreams be ambitious and may your coffee be strong! xoxo -Rachel Mae

Rachel Mae:

Hey, I'm Rachel Mae, Country Singer, songwriter and host of Mamas Cup of Ambition, the podcast for ambitious mamas with big dreams and little kids. Or maybe your kids aren't so little anymore, but your dreams are still just as big as ever. Wherever you find yourself in your motherhood journey, if you've got ambitious goals that you're longing to achieve and you're looking to spark inspiration, cultivate motivation and develop community with like-minded mamas, you're in the right place. As a new mama myself, i created this show as a place for honest and empowering conversations about motherhood, entrepreneurship and dream chasing. So grab a notebook, top off that cup of coffee and let's turn our goals into action plans and our dreams into reality together. Now let's jump into today's episode. Hello, hello and welcome to an off the cuff episode of Mamas Cup of Ambition.

Rachel Mae:

I am recording this sitting in the park right now, and if you listened to last week's episode, then you heard me mention that this week was going to be where I would share a little bonus conversation that Brooke Greening and I had after our core interview, and so I hope that this doesn't feel like a bait and switch, but I decided to flip the script a little bit and go rogue with this episode, and I'm actually recording it on Sunday, the day before it will air, which isn't typically how I roll Like. Normally my episodes are scheduled out ahead of time and they just like they're planned out and I'm not recording the day before. But, like I said, i'm changing things up because I just had something on my mind that I wanted to share. Hopefully this isn't too distracting and you can hear me okay Because, like I said, i'm sitting in the park, there are a bunch of kids here and dogs and people playing basketball and a birthday party happening. I have my little lav mic with me, so I think the audio should be okay, and just think of this as kind of like a little impromptu voice note from me. So what I wanted to get on here and chat about today is basically just to have like a little mid-year review, because, as I record this, we just entered July, which means we're halfway through 2023. Just so wild, right, like it's going so freaking fast.

Rachel Mae:

And you might recall that the beginning of the year, i started something called the Shine Wild project, which is basically I just outlined my intentions for this year by assigning each quarter like an overarching theme And then, within the quarter, i defined one specific area that I would give my focus to each month, and so I've been documenting the process as I go, and I have to say like it's really helped me to stay focused on my intentions as this year has been rolling out And I feel like I've actually accomplished a lot of the things that I set out to do. So this past quarter, my focus has been on career and legacy And I've really been doubling down on those areas of my life and working on growing my business and defining what I want my legacy to be, and it's been really fun to pour my focus into what I'm building with so much intentionality And I really like, i love what I'm creating in my life And I'm so motivated to just keep moving forward and taking new leaps and pushing myself to new heights and out of my comfort zone, so to speak. So as we slide into this last half of the year, i've really been reflecting on where I've been the last six months and dreaming about what I want to experience by the time we ring in the new year, and I have to say that the thing that keeps coming up for me is more freedom, like I really want more time, freedom so that I can soak up this season when my kids are little and they still want to hang out with their mama, and I want financial freedom, like right now, we're a single family income, or single income family, rather, and we live in a very expensive part of the country and that just doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room, you know. So part of what I'm working toward as I grow my business is financial freedom. Like I don't want to just trade my time for money And this past quarter, as I was envisioning the legacy I wanted to create, the things that matter most to me as I really think about it, are being present in my kids' lives and being able to be there for them and enjoy this time, like I said, when they're little, because I don't want to miss this time and look back thinking I wish I had been more present and available for my kiddos, like I want to be here now.

Rachel Mae:

So I'm trying to just get really clear on the kind of life and business that I'm wanting to create, and what it boils down to is that I want life, work balance, not the other way around, right? We always hear about work, life balance. Like I want life to come first and I love my work. I really do Like, ultimately, i'm doing something that really lights me up and I love it so much I could just spend all my time doing it. and I'm doing the things that I'm doing to give my babies a better life and to have freedom to enjoy that life with them right.

Rachel Mae:

So as I look at what I need to prioritize in the next six months to make the life that I want a reality, i'm realizing that there are a lot of like old, limiting beliefs that I'm going to need to release in order to step into this new existence, and I need to be really smart with what I give my focus to when it comes to my business. If you know me shiny object syndrome, like that's me I love to like start new things and I have a million ideas that I want to pursue, but I'm really trying to just focus in and do the things that are going to have the most impact in my business to give me that financial freedom and that time freedom with my family. So what I know for sure is that I want to make changes and I don't just want to be in the same place six months from now, you know. So I'm going to be doubling down my efforts in the next six months to really create more financial and time freedom, but I'm doing it in a very intentional way and I think it'll be really fun to just see how much I can move the dial between now and then.

Rachel Mae:

Anyway, i guess the point of this impromptu park podcast is just to posit the question what does freedom look like for you and where do you want to be six months from now? You know, what do you want to experience in the second half of this year, or what do you want to accomplish in that time, and what do you need to let go of to make these next few months feel fulfilled and purposeful? And, to be clear, i'm not just talking about, like, trying to fill your plate with more work. You know, maybe your intention is to have more fun and adventure in your life in the second half of the year, and that's a magical ambition too. It's definitely something I aspire to, but I think we just tend to give so much energy to setting goals in the beginning of the year, but we don't often like check in with ourselves and reassess our desires as we move through the year. So that's what I'm doing right now, and I'd invite you to do the same.

Rachel Mae:

Anyway, i hope I'm making sense. I hope this isn't like a total waste of your time. I probably should have written down some notes before I hit record so that this episode had a little bit more substance. But here we are, impromptu park podcast, just like voice note from one friend to another, to just check in, let you know what's going on in my life and to ask the question to you. So let me know, if you want to share with me, what your plans or what your ambitions are for the second half of this year. I'd love to know, and you know you can find me over on Instagram at momma's cup of ambition, and I'd love to continue the conversation with you over there. And in the meantime, may your dreams be ambitious, may your coffee be strong and may we all make this the best six months of our lives. I'll talk to you soon.

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