Mama's Cup of Ambition

Momversation with Kim Norton of Life Realigned with Kim

Rachel Mae / Kim Norton Season 2 Episode 59

Ever struggled with maintaining an organized home? Imagine transforming that chaos into a peaceful sanctuary with the help of professional home organizer, Kim Norton. On today's Mamas Cup of Ambition, I'm thrilled to have Kim share her inspiring journey of transitioning from a 12-year corporate restaurant career to following her passion of helping women organize their homes and manage their day-to-day lives with practical solutions.

Discover the power of self-discovery, as we chat with Kim about the challenges of staying consistent, the impact of ADHD on her life, and her mantra of "do it scared" that keeps her taking risks and pursuing her dreams. We explore the value of creating checklists to simplify life and giving kids autonomy in their own tasks, all while learning to overcome the shame and guilt that can come from unrealistic social media expectations of organization.

Join us for this momversation as we dive into Kim's world of practical organizing and her mission to help moms everywhere find the solutions that work for their real lives.

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Connect With Today's Guest:
Kim's Website
The Free Checklist Kim Shared
Work With Kim

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Have you ever thought about starting a podcast of your own? Well if so, you're not going to want to miss next week's episode because I'll be diving into how to get started podcasting even as a busy mama.

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May your dreams be ambitious and may your coffee be strong! xoxo -Rachel Mae

Rachel Mae:

Hello, hello and welcome to Mamas Cup of Ambition, the show for ambitious mamas with big dreams and little kids. I'm your host, Rachel Mae, country singer, songwriter and Mama of 2, and I'm so excited to be here presenting another installment of the momversation series. I created this series as a way to have fun and honest conversations with mamas at every stage of their dream chasing journey and, through a series of questions curated specifically for these momversations, we'll get acquainted with the mamas in this community. We'll chat about everything from their biggest ambitions to their favorite TV shows and everything in between. My intention is to create a space for inspiration, connection and solidarity for us mamas navigating the wild world of motherhood and dream chasing. Wherever you are in your journey, this series is for you. So grab yourself a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage of choice and let's have a momversation. I would love to just kick things off by a little introduction to who you are and what you do.

Kim Norton:

Thank you so much for having me, Rachel. I am Kim Norton. I am a professional home organizer. I am based in Southeast Louisiana. I have two young daughters. I have Aria Grace, who is eight, almost nine, and Eden James is six. I married. My husband is in law enforcement and see what else is there to know.

Rachel Mae:

Tell us a little bit more about your business. I think we can all, as mamas, collectively raise our hand and say who doesn't need more organization and some systems to keep us organized? So I'd love to know more about what you do and how you got into that in the first place.

Kim Norton:

So in my past life worked corporate restaurant business. I did that for 12 years. I became a mom. It's very, very hard to juggle restaurant life if you've ever been there management and restaurants and being a great wife and a great mom, i kind of felt like I loved it. But I wanted more from my life. So I set on a journey to try to figure out what that was going to be.

Kim Norton:

Tried lots of different things, failed at a lot of different things. I just sat back one day, kind of defeated, and I was just like, okay, what? Because I just kept getting tired of everything. So I was like what is something that I don't get tired of? What is something that never gets old? And so I was like, even as a kid, i love to organize. I would go to sleepovers and all the kids would be playing and I'm in my friend's room hiding up So great. And I was like they invite me over a lot because then the room gets clean. It's my stress reliever. Whereas for most people organizing is stressful And for me I love it. It's like a big puzzle to me. I love trying to be efficient. I was like I never get tired of that.

Kim Norton:

And so I started spending more time thinking about it in my own home Because at the same time I was a newer mom, i was new to having a second child, so that kind of threw things for a loop. It's like, okay, I've got to figure this out. And so, after spending time finding ways that worked for me in my home and my family, i was like you know what I could share this, maybe I can do this as a career. And so we had just moved as a family to a new town And I was like you know, i don't know anybody kind of gave me that freedom to just fail. I didn't know anybody, nobody knew what I was doing, and so I put myself out there here locally as a home organizer and I started doing jobs and it just kind of evolved. And so now I do in person sessions here locally a few times a week And I've been able to meet so many people. Like I said, i didn't know anybody here, so I've met friends this way.

Kim Norton:

All of my clients have been mothers.

Kim Norton:

It was kind of a common thread that I was dealing with the same challenges, we were working through the same things over and over And I was like you know, i love the fulfillment I got from helping women and helping moms in a way that I could to make their lives easier, and so I just I felt called to do it on a broader scale, and so in the past year and a half, i have been spending my time trying to take what I've learned, what I know works for me and my clients, in person and bringing that online and finding ways to teach women how to do this, even, you know, in other states and around the world.

Kim Norton:

That's where I'm at now in my journey. I have an online course that I just created this year to give people the knowledge that they need to get organized in a real way for real moms and real life. Because, you know, i just I think that the perception of what being organized is, and all the Marie Kondo and the home edit and this perfection like it's not attainable, especially, you know, when you have young kids Like that's not real. And so, you know, i really want to change people's perception of what organized is and then to help them find solutions that really do work for them.

Rachel Mae:

I love that so much.

Rachel Mae:

I feel like it's such a beautiful opportunity to create more spaciousness for mamas, like at the heart of what you're doing, because I mean I can speak for myself here Like I get so bogged down just trying to manage all of the stuff And I feel like I'm constantly on this hamster wheel of purging and then people are sending us new stuff for the kids and we're like holding on to clothes because I'm like my youngest can wear these clothes at some point.

Rachel Mae:

So it's like you're just managing all of this stuff And I feel like the mental bandwidth that that takes up trying to just manage all of that. It's like imagine if you could simplify all of that, what you could be doing. Like it's hard to just sit down and start working on like your business or your side hustle or whatever you want to be working on. When you look around and there's stuff everywhere and you feel like, ugh, i really need to like get my house in order. So I love what you're doing And I love that you're specifically helping moms and that you're taking this to a broader audience and making it accessible for mommas wherever they may be So cool, thank you, thank you, i like it.

Kim Norton:

Just it's so near and dear to me because, like you said, i mean, i'm an entrepreneur, i work from home. When it comes to this end of it, yeah, and so it's hard to not, you know, stop what you're doing and get distracted by the dishes, they're all the things, and I want people's homes to be a place where they can enjoy and live life and not a place that causes the stress in their life. Yeah, that, for me, is success.

Rachel Mae:

Well, let's jump into these momversation questions, because I think that you will probably tell us a little bit more about what you're building as we move through these questions, so let's jump right in. So the first question is what do you dream of?

Kim Norton:

I dream of just touching, you know, as many lives, as many women, and helping as many women as I can in this area. You know like I'm so passionate about it and it's it's something like I said it's a universal struggle for all of us, yeah, and so I just dream of making an impact, a large impact, on women with my expertise.

Rachel Mae:

Yeah, so good, and you're doing that So.

Kim Norton:

I'm sure trying.

Rachel Mae:

Tell us a moment that you felt proud of yourself.

Kim Norton:

I think, one of the hardest moments for me, and it seems kind of silly, but when I finally left my career, i was with a company for 12 years and I thought that was it. Yeah, i had one plan in life. I had no backup plan And when I started to see that what I wanted was changing, to make that pivot and to do the scary thing because I like security, i like predictability, and just taking that leap was what I'm proud of.

Rachel Mae:

Yeah, that's something to be proud of for sure, because look at the doors that leap has now opened. So how incredible that you were brave enough to make that move, thank you. So what's your biggest challenge right now?

Kim Norton:

My biggest challenge in in general in life. I struggle in in all aspects of my life to stay consistent, even with organizing my own home. You know, something I've discovered in the last few years on my journey with organizing is that I have ADHD, and so that's one of those things where people like you're an organizer but you have ADHD. Like that, it poses its own. You know struggles and opportunities, but I think that's what makes me unique and it's what makes what I teach work for so many women, because even if you don't have ADHD, you still have a lot going on that can cause those inconsistencies. So you know I have a lot of techniques to combat that that I've used my whole life not knowing that it was because I had ADHD. I just, if I ever had to use a word to describe myself that frustrated me, it's inconsistent.

Rachel Mae:

So I feel that I can relate to that. I feel like there's some areas where, like, I can be so consistent and I can find a rhythm, and then there are other areas where I like kind of go in waves, or it's like I'm really good and I'm on top of things, and then I'm like, yeah, i finally cracked the code. And then I turn a corner and something happens and I fall off track and then I'm like start over, but I always come back, i always come back to it eventually.

Kim Norton:

What I've learned is that. So this is how I combat it. So I cannot be consistent. It's just not in me. So instead I try to be persistent. Love that, As long as I don't quit, I'm OK with it. You know it may take me six months, longer than somebody else, but I'm not going to quit And eventually I'm going to get there.

Rachel Mae:

That's amazing. That is such a like great growth mindset to have and you will succeed because of that Just be persistent, keep going, don't just quit.

Kim Norton:

You know, if I'm trying to work out and I miss a day, or miss a few days like you, can still work out the next day. It doesn't stop you. And once I realized that it's really changed a lot of stuff for me.

Rachel Mae:

That is so good. You just dropped a real gym, OK. so what would your perfect?

Kim Norton:

day look like. for me, Perfect day would just be with my family, with my kids, my husband. my immediate family and I are really close, Just out outside. I love to be outside. I love, you know, just being in nature and just spending time being present. You know no phones or worrying about having to take pictures and, you know, making sure that you share these moments. I just want to be in the moment love that.

Rachel Mae:

Okay, so do you have a power song?

Kim Norton:

So I thought about this one a lot too, because I'm not very good with like, remembering names of things. I don't know song lyrics to basically any song. I can tell you a little bit. But I was like, okay, what is it going to be? So I am a huge Hamilton nerd. I love that soundtrack. I my kids know up. She's listening to Hamilton again. It's what I used to clean my house. And the song, my shot in there is like that's the song that gets me amped up because I don't. I feel like this is my shot and I'm not going to waste it, you know. So that would be my power song. That's what makes me feel strong.

Rachel Mae:

What a great power song. So, kind of hand in hand with that, do you have a mantra or a motto?

Kim Norton:

So the thing that I repeat to myself all the time is just do it scared. I have anxiety. I am a people pleaser, so I'm constantly worried about, you know, what people will perceive me as, and so part of my growth is just doing it. Anyway, you know, not worrying about what people think, and so when I've come to something and I'm like, oh, i can feel myself, you know, avoiding it, i'm like, you know, just do it scared, just dive in, do it scared. So I say that to myself constantly right now.

Rachel Mae:

That's great And yeah, that gets you far too Like with your mindset of persistent even when you can't be consistent and doing it scared.

Kim Norton:

You know, when I became an entrepreneur instead of, you know, working for a company I needed that. I didn't have the tools to keep myself going or to keep myself motivated and driven, So I've had to do a lot of research and this is literally real life, what I use to get through my days and to push myself on this journey, for sure.

Rachel Mae:

Well, what's your go to indulgence?

Kim Norton:

When I think of this question, i got two things that come to mind. So first is food. When I hear indulgence, my first thought is food, and my guilty pleasure with that is cookie dough. So, one thing that's a consistent snack of mine, and then the other indulgence. Anybody who knows me and spends time around me knows that it's Bravo shows. I love all the trash Bravo, all the housewives I just got into like summer house and all that.

Rachel Mae:

Oh man, I could binge that, yes, okay, I'm going to grab some cookie dough and I will be right over. Let's go.

Kim Norton:

That is, that's okay. That's my second ideal day, you know, outside of spending time with the kids. Give me some cookie dough and some Bravo TV and I am a happy girl.

Rachel Mae:

Yes, if Louisiana was not so far from the Pacific Northwest, I would be coming over right now to join you for some Bravo. I love me some like dramatic trashy TV.

Kim Norton:

It's like I don't have to have the drama in my life because I just lived through them.

Rachel Mae:

Yes, yes, oh my gosh. So good, okay, so kind of just touched on this, but you're not so guilty pleasure TV show Like.

Kim Norton:

Is there one Bravo show that you're like, oh well so I love Bravo shows and I watch those, like you know, as they come. I'm going to binge something Bridgerton, all the Bridgerton series. I've just been to Queen Charlotte the weekend it came out a few weekends ago. I love anything that's period piece. Obviously, Hamilton Bridgerton is kind of a theme there. But yes, right now I actually will watch the multiple times. I like to watch things that I've already seen in the background while I do work, And so Hamilton or Bridgerton or things that I'll just kind of keep on the TV while I'm working.

Rachel Mae:

That's great. I haven't watched Bridgerton yet, but I hear people talk about it all the time. I feel like I have missed a big, a big moment somewhere where I just missed the boat and I need to go back and catch up. You haven't missed it, you've got plenty of, there's only two seasons.

Kim Norton:

Well, I guess three. if you count Queen Charlotte, you're not that far behind. They've got like seven kids and each kid has enough season, so you can catch up.

Rachel Mae:

Okay, good to know, i'm going to add it to my list. So, from guilty pleasure TV to the like, deeper philosophical question here but what's something that you wish someone had told you before becoming a mama? Oh gosh.

Kim Norton:

I'd say, before I became a mom, to be flexible, you know, to not lower expectations, but just go into things and just let them be. Sometimes, if you always trying to predict what's going to happen with kids, like you're sadly mistaken, and if you have these preconceived notions about what your kids are going to be or who they're going to be, based off of who you are, let that go and let them be who they're going to be, and allowing them to do that and watching it and just it's beautiful. And so letting go of the expectations you have for your kids or for yourself as a mom, like just let it become when it's going to become. I love that.

Rachel Mae:

So your go to influencer. This could be like a blog or a podcast.

Kim Norton:

I love to listen to podcasts. That's one of those things that I do when I take walks or when I'm on a long car ride. So I have two people that I listen to consistently, actually like look forward to their episodes each week, and it's Jenna Kutcher and Tanya Eliza. We don't know her, so she's not as well known. She's also a marketing entrepreneur. She doesn't necessarily like do, like course creating and things like that. She has courses, but she more so talks about the branding side of it. I guess I kind of just take both of them and kind of morph it together to kind of grow my business. But yes, those two I listen to every week. I wait for their next episode.

Rachel Mae:


Kim Norton:

Okay, So your favorite product or resource that has made mom life easier Okay so I'm going to do a little bit of self promotion, just because it's something that I've created that we use as a family. That I think is super, super useful, and so it's actually one of the freebies that I have available on my website, and it is a morning and afternoon checklist for your day, okay, so another thing that I've learned for myself and for my family is that we don't do very good with routine. We talked about the fact that I'm not very consistent, yeah, and so I don't like to do the same thing in the same order every day. It becomes boring And then I'm uninteresting.

Kim Norton:

Yeah, there's certain things in your life that need to get done regularly. You know, every day my kids need to brush their teeth, but for me to like remember that every day and keep track of it is just my mind doesn't want to do it, and so we have checklists that I've created that we can put those things on. Those things are important, that I want them to do consistently, and they can grab the checklist and I tell them I don't care what order you do it in. If you want to brush your teeth and then go eat breakfast, that's on you, but I would advise you not to, but it just it's a way for you to dump those things that you're like. I want to make sure my kids do this every day or every weekday or whatever it may be, but I don't want to keep it in my brain because I've got a million other things in my head that my kids reading for 15 minutes.

Kim Norton:

At the end of the day I don't always remember that. So they're totally customizable. You can go in there through Canva and so it's a link to a template and you can make it what it needs to be for your family. There's two versions. There's one with words and then there's one with pictures, because at the time my little one couldn't read when I made them two years ago, and so I didn't want to have to keep reading it off to her because I'm a little lazy, and so you put the pictures and they associate it and we laminated them and it's made our mornings and our after school and before bed. It just it makes life so much easier.

Rachel Mae:

Oh my gosh, that's great. I'm going to go download these when we're done. I made something kind of similar for my son, waylon, for his bed time routine and it's got the pictures which just kind of walk us through and it's laminated and he'll go and point to like, okay, like we're doing bath and then we're going to go potty, and it's been great because he has that sense of autonomy and he knows he's like a part of what happens and can tell us what's next. But I haven't brought that strategy into other parts of my day and I can see how that would be really really beneficial and helpful to have something like that.

Kim Norton:

Well and then. So with these speclos too, like you can customize the background and all that, and I always advise everybody, like let the kids sit down with you and pick the pictures, or, you know, pick the background. And because anytime you can give, like you said, that kids the autonomy or that ownership, like this is your checklist You made it today will be way more on board. So I made it to where you can. You can completely customize it. You could redo the whole thing basically, but it just gives you a good starting point. That's awesome.

Rachel Mae:

I'm so glad you shared that. We'll make sure that we link to that in the show description too, so people can easily find it and get their hands on that. Yes, for sure, okay, answer this question. I'm obsessed with.

Kim Norton:

I am obsessed with making things easy. You know, when I'm in person with a client, as I'm going through their stuff, you know we're decluttering. I'm looking at all of it and I'm looking at how they live with it and where it's being used and how can I make it easier to get to and easier to put away? because the easier it is to get to and the easier it is to put away, the more likely that you're going to do it. And so in that part of my life, that's what I do at home. I'm constantly trying to find ways to be efficient. And how do I make all these other, all these responsibilities in life easier so that I do have more time to be present with my kids and spend that time with the kids? So that's what I'm obsessed with efficiency and making life easy.

Rachel Mae:

Okay, your dream vacation. What's your dream vacation?

Kim Norton:

So, on top of being a home organizer, i am also a travel agent specializing in Disney vacations. Disney is my happy place. I didn't dig into it until recently. Like why do I love Disney so much? Like, why is that where I want to go every time I go on vacation? And for me and for a lot of people, you really can escape the real world. You know, like Disney does it on purpose. You won't find a newspaper in Disney world, which I mean these days. you have your phone but there's not a lot of the outside world Like you. when you walk through those doors, you're there, you're immersed and you can really be present and let go. And yeah, it's just something about it, the permission that it gives to just be a kid, be a kid with your kids, like I loved it before having kids, but oh, experiencing it with them is just the best.

Kim Norton:

Like it's absolutely the best. And you know, me and my husband just went on a trip a few weekends ago, just me and him. We went to Epcot for a day and we went to Universal. But even without the kids we were more silly, we were more like We're free and all that And so yeah, so my perfect vacation is any time we can go to any of the Disney parks, my gosh.

Rachel Mae:

Well, that's good to know, because that's something my husband and I talk about all the time. We love Disney too, and that's something we really want to do with our boys. I want to wait until my youngest is just a little bit older to make like traveling with the two of them a little easier, but I am definitely going to circle back to you when the time comes to get all of your like support. Yes.

Kim Norton:

Yes, i can help you plan it. I can give you some tips and advice. I've been there with my kids at all ages. Like I said, my oldest one's nine now, so we've been going since she was little.

Rachel Mae:

I should just have you back to do a whole episode about like Disney with kids. I bet there would be a lot of people that would Oh yeah, I would love that too. So cool This. I see I did not know this about you. So how cool. Ok, fill it the blank.

Kim Norton:

I feel most like myself when I'm, i feel most like myself when I'm with my family. It's sort of a weird thing. So, like I told you that, i've recently discovered that I have ADHD And so we're a little weird, to say it nicely, and so I guess for me, like a lot of the quirks and things that I had, that turned out to be ADHD. I just thought they were normal And it turns out it's because I'm in a family full of us who probably have ADHD And we're kind of all like that.

Kim Norton:

And so in the world, when you have ADHD and your brain doesn't operate like everybody else is, you mask a lot, whether it's in school and social company. You don't always put your real self out And you don't. There's many different versions of yourself that you can put out there. But when I'm at home with my family, the people that I grew up with and raised with, i can truly just be my weird self, i guess, and I'm getting better at being that for the world. But it's taken a lot of time and a lot of growth to do that. But yeah, that's where I'm most comfortable for sure, so good.

Rachel Mae:

Ok, i know we kind of touched on this with I dream of, but what's your current ambitious goal?

Kim Norton:

It's really right now is to help as many women and moms to find success with organizing their homes. Because, like I said, when I go into those clients' homes you can see the overwhelm and the stress when I get there. There are so many clients who it may take me a few times of them canceling my consultation because they're so scared to let somebody in that world. And every time I go for that consultation by the end of it they're like hugging me and crying because they're just like you don't judge me, like you make me feel understood, you make me feel like it's going to be OK. And then by the time we work on the session, just you know they're booking the next session and you know I'm working five, six, seven sessions with people trying to get the whole house situated because they're not doing it alone now. But they also don't feel like they're being judged, because I understand, because I've been there, i'm, i've still get there at times.

Rachel Mae:

Yeah, that's so powerful. I wonder if so much of that too plays into the like what we see blasted on social media. And if you get on Pinterest or if you're on Netflix, even Pinterest and Instagram I look looking at those pretty things and like I love the home edit, i love watching that and thinking like that's pretty from the TV But like that probably like contributes pretty mightily to us as mamas feeling like some sense of shame around our real houses and the way that our houses look. And yes, we need support and systems and organization. There are ways that we can do things easier, like you're saying, but how powerful that you're able to go into someone's home and normalize, like hey, you're not alone, there are ways to make your life easier and you don't need to feel bad about where you're at.

Kim Norton:

Let me guide you to a more manageable place And you said the word shame and I just did. I had a podcast episode come out recently about the shame of your clutter and how to let go of that shame and just accept it. Yeah, because a lot of time that shame is what holds you back, and so you really have to just let that go, which is not that easy to do. So it's a three part series, and the first part of that series is how to let go of the shame. The second part is how to let go of the overwhelm And then the third is how to actually take action on your items.

Rachel Mae:

Oh, amazing. OK, we got a link to that too. It's going to be like a whole list of links in this show description because you've got so much goodness for us. OK, so I'm known for.

Kim Norton:

I am known for, the best term to say is, I guess, the practical organizing. Being a practical organizer for real life, real people, real homes, I just, you know I would watch Home Ed and all that And to be honest, it would give me anxiety And I'm an organizer And you know, for a while I was like that's what I had delivered to people And I'm like they don't want that. You know, I'd go into somebody's house and start talking about these containers And they're like we already have containers. And so I've learned I use most of the time I use what you already have, Because once you've called me, you've already tried.

Kim Norton:

Yeah, You bought all the things and you've tried to set it up. And so instead of spending more money on this acrylic that's going to crack the first time your kid drops the cereal on the ground, or spending thousands of dollars on that, like, save your money, Let's use what you have And then, once the system is in place, then you can upgrade the product. But yeah, so I guess I just I try to do things practically. I'm a practical organizer, Love that.

Rachel Mae:

OK, and most folks don't know Most people didn't know that I had ADHD.

Kim Norton:

I mean, my perception of that as a kid was usually the boy in class who was hyper and bouncing over walls and said what he thought. You know I was the people pleaser, quiet teachers, pet, and you know I was gifted and I had great grades. But on the inside I was. It manifested differently, though, with you know, when I see people now for my childhood, they tell them I have ADHD, like they think I'm crazy, like what you know, like you were perfect camp, you know, and what they didn't know was that on the inside I was struggling, like that was hard And so, yeah, it's been a journey.

Rachel Mae:

Yeah, i feel like it's so. Especially when you're people pleasing, it's really easy to, like you said before, mask some of those parts of yourself, because it feels like, well, this is sort of how people know me and see me And I don't want to let down that expectation of how they view me. So, yes, big time. Yeah, ok, fill in the blank, i do blank. So my kids?

Kim Norton:

I do the self work so that my kids will hopefully not have to do as much self work. Yeah, i spend a lot of time trying to be the best version of myself and the best mom that I can be for them so that when they grow up they're a step ahead. I'm not expecting my kids to grow up and say I had a perfect childhood and you did everything right.

Kim Norton:

Nobody is, you know, but I know that my mom has done better than what her mom did And I just want to continue that growth and pass it along to my kids. That's a great one.

Rachel Mae:

Our last question here. Actually it's second to last because I'm going to have you share where we can find all of your stuff. So second to last. But what fills your cup, both literally and figuratively?

Kim Norton:

This is going to be. I swear I'm like a five year old child. Literally my cup sugar-free grape Kool-Aid. I know most people wouldn't admit that as a 34 year old that I drink Kool-Aid. Most of the time I hate water. I hate the taste of water, so I've settled for, if I want to stay hydrated, that I have to drink something that I like right now Grape Kool-Aid. Is it So that literally fills my cup? Figuratively, it's just making an impact on people. It's with my home organizing. But when I was in the restaurant business I would do the same. I was always coaching and teaching and mentoring there with people. I just want to help however I can, and so the great thing about the organizing is now I've realized, like my unique way, that I can help people with a unique problem, versus just like trying to help everybody in every way, doing that burden to just every time somebody has a problem, fix it. To try to like narrow it down and just say you know what? this is my expertise. How can I help people with?

Rachel Mae:

that, yeah, so good. Okay, well, where can everybody find you? Where can they work with you and connect with you? Give us all the ways.

Kim Norton:

Okay, so my website is liferealignedwithkimcom. I try to keep it simple, and so everything Facebook, instagram, pinterest, anywhere that I'm at it's going to be life-realigned, with Kim as my handle. But everything is on my website All of my freebies that I have. I have a podcast like the Life Realigned podcast. That also. I also broadcast that on YouTube, if you prefer YouTube over the podcast. And then I have my online course. That's also available on my website if anybody's interested in that.

Rachel Mae:

Well, I will make sure to link to all of that in the show description to make it super easy for everybody to find you, because let's make things easy. And I just want to thank you for coming on today And you just you dropped so many gems in this episode and I'm so happy that we had this conversation because I feel like this is going to resonate with folks. You are clearly very gifted at what you're doing and it comes through just so aligned and so eloquently So thank you so much for being here, kim. It was truly such a pleasure. Thank you so much.

Rachel Mae:

That's it for today's episode, but if you're loving this series and you want to join me for a conversation, follow the link in the show description to submit the guest form and let's chat, and if you want to continue the conversation with me over on Instagram, i'd love to connect with you there. You can find me at Mama's Cup of Ambition. I want to extend a special thanks to today's guests for bringing the energy and the good vibes to this podcast party, and a great big, heartfelt thanks to you as well. This show exists because you tune in and I really can't tell you how much your support means to me. And, last but not least, if you got something out of today's episode.

Rachel Mae:

It would mean so much to me if you would take a moment to leave the show a rating and review. Or, if reviews aren't really your thing, consider sharing the show with a friend who you think might take value from it. Those are both great ways to support the podcast and keep it going and growing. Plus, it just seriously fills my cup. So thank you. Okay, so until next time, may your dreams be ambitious and may your coffee be strong. I'll talk to you soon.

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